Tuesday, December 07, 2021

미국과 중국의 올림픽 삽바싸움에 전세계가 휘청거린다. 중국의 팽창주의 정책이 문제 만들었다.

문제는 중국 자기네들이 만들어놓고, 미국을 비롯한 서방세계의 정상들이 올림픽 개회식에 참석을 보이콧한다고 비난하고 있으니, 적반하장도 유분수지.... 한국은 양다리 걸쳐놓고, 지금 고민이 많은거야. 

개인이고 나라고간에 서로 관계를 맺은사이에는 절대적으로 필요한 기본요건이, "진정성과 신의"가 바탕에 기본적으로 깔려 있어야 관계가 오래가고, 서로 필요할때 도와주고 도움을 받는게,  Routine이 되는데....

우리 대한민국은 외교적인 면에서 양다리 외교의 참혹함을 절실히 겪으면서 경제 10대국에 걸맞지 않은 쫌뺑이 대접을 양쪽 진영으로 부터 받아온지 벌써 5년이 다돼간다.

미국이 QUAD협약에 동참하라고 문재인 정부에 권했을때, 양다리 외교를 하던 문재인 정부는 "참석 안하겠다"로 선언했다.  중국을 의식한 치졸한 결정을 한것인데..... 그결과를 본 중국은 우리 무재인정부를 환영해 주는 대신에,  우리가 중국으로 부터 얻은 이익은 무엇이었나?   모두가 알다시피 "요소수" 한국 수출을 단칼에 끊어 버려, 아직까지도 한국은 대란을 겪고 있다.  그게 중국으로 부터 받은 대가다.

중국의 군사적 세력을 태평양을 넘어 북미, 유럽까지 팽창 시킬려는 야욕을 서방 세계는 2겹 3겹으로 방어망을 만들어 막고있는 그곳에 우리 한국은 없다.  훌륭한(?) 문재인 대통령이 중국의 시진핑과 왕이에게 읍소하느라, 참석을 반대했기에 왕따를 당한 것이다.  

미국을 중심으로한 AUKUS(영국, 미국, 호주)협약이 최근에 이루어져, 태평양 진출을 꾀하는 중국의 야욕을 견제하는 과정에서 내년 2월에 중국 베이징에서 올림픽이 개최되는데,  세방세계는 중국에 대한 항의표시로,  올림픽에 출전하는 선수들은 참가 시키돼, 각국의 정상들이 전통적으로 올림픽 개회식에 참석하는 전통을 깨고, 보이콧 하겠다는 통보를 하고 있는 것이다.

백악관 공보비서 Jen Psaki씨는 '미국은 선수들을 출전시켜 시합을 하도록 전적으로 후원하겠지만 "경기개최시에 울려퍼지는 팡파르 축제에 미국은 참석하지 않을 것이다"라고 선언했다.

"미국의 외교관 또는 미국을 대표하는 고위직들은 이번 베이징 동계올림픽 게임을, 중국의 '신지앙'에서 벌어진 비인간적 학대와 인권유린의 무자비한 탄압을 지적하면서 보통의 비즈니스 거래정도로 취급할 것이다. 또한 우린 이런 중국의 잔인함에 동참할수가 없다"라고 월요일 브리핑에서 Psaki공보비서는 기자들에게 설명한 것이다.

"우리는 인권향상을 위해 모든 할수있는 조치를 다할것이다. 미국은 아주 강하게 이러한 우리의 의지를 관철시킬것이며, 이러한 행동은 중국뿐만이 아니라 다른 나라를 향해서도 강력히 밀어부칠 것이다"라고 그는 설명했다.

이번발표는 바이든 대통령이 '민주주의'을 위해 100개국이 넘는 정상들과 목요일과 금요일에 열리게되는 화상을 통한 정상회담을 준비하는중에 발표한 것이다. 미행정부의 설명에 따르면 바이든 대통령은 이번의 정상회담을 '개인 또는 개혁, 그리고 민주주의와 인권을 미국뿐만이 아니고 해외 여러나라에도 지키기위한 모든 주도권을 이용하여 이번 모임을 이용할 계획이다"라고.

미국의 개회식 불참을 옹호하고 있는 인권옹호위원회와 미의회 지도자들은 이러한 조치는 절대적으로 필요하다라고 바이든을 응원했다. 이들은 중국의 인권유린을 법과 정의를 무시한 잔인 무도한 짖이라 설명하면서, 중국은 이번 올림픽 게임을 인권활동가들, 정치적반대자들 그리고 소수민족들에 대한 무자비한 조치를 이번 게임동안에 완전히 씻어버리겠다는 획책을 하고 있다고 비난한것이다. 

"초청에 상관없이 미국정치인들은 베이징동계올림픽을 외교적 보이콧으로만 알려질수 있기를 노력하는데, 이러한 행동은 분명히 그들의 희망사항일뿐이며,  보여주기위한 쑈적인 면이 다분하다. 만약에 미국을 비롯한 그쪽에서 계속해서 밀고 나가겠다면 중국은 이에 상응하는 강력한 조치를 취할 것이다"라고  Zhao는 기자회견에서 설명했다.

국제 올림픽위원회는 성명서에서, 각나라의 고위직 외교관들을 개회식에 참석시키지 않는것은 각나라 정부의 정치적 결정이며, 올림픽 위원회는 그의견을 존중한다라고 했다. 

"동시에 이번 성명서 발표는, 올림픽경기와 경기참자자들은 정치적 상황을 넘어서 참석하는것을 진심으로 환영하며, 우리는 이 결정을 환영한다"라고 성명서 발표를 한것이다.

올림픽은 화합의 장이었다.  이번 올림픽 개회식에 각나라의 정치적 지도자들이 참석을 보이콧하게된 원인을 제공한 중국은 서방세계들과 세계 각나라들이 주장하는 중국내 소수민족들의 대접과 인권유린을 멈추고, 지구촌의 한일원으로 동참하여, 중국내 소수민족의 인권과 자유를 존중하고 인권유린을 멈춰야 먼저 해야 한다.  

중국의 경제 사정이 좋아졌고, 앞으로 더 좋아질수록 중국인들의 인권과 자유에 대한 열망과 인권유린의 참혹상에 대한 비난은 더 커질것이고,  그래도 밀어 부치면 그희생은 엄청날 것이다.  이게 Fact다.

쏘련이 무너진 이유가, 지금 중국이 취하고 있는 인간의 기본권을 무참히 짖밟았기 때문이었음을 중국의 리더들은 잘 알고 있다고 본다.  

영국이 홍콩을 중국에 반환 할때, 조건이 홍콩은 중국의 정치적 영향권에서 완전히 벗어나, 자유민주주의 자치 국가를 유지할수 있도록해야 한다라는 조항을 합의 했는데, 시진핑 정권이 이를 무시하고 완전히 정치적으로 공산사회주의를 이식해온데서, 지금 홍콩은 정치적으로 중국과 대치하에 있어, 무서운 화약고가 돼고 말았다.  이상태가 계속되면, 홍콩이 동남 아시아의 경제발전의 허브역활을 오랫동안 해왔던 업적은 역사속으로 사라질수도 있다.

         Beijing Winter Olympics

A crew member leaps to fix a logo for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics before a launch ceremony to reveal the motto for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing on Sept. 17, 2021. The Beijing Winter Olympics open in just under two months and are now the target to a diplomatic boycott by the United States with others likely to follow. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File) 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. will stage a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing t o protest Chinese human rights abuses, the White House confirmed Monday, a move that China has vowed to greet with “firm countermeasures.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said U.S. athletes will continue to compete and will “have our full support,” but added “we will not be contributing to the fanfare of the games.”

“U.S. diplomatic or official representation would treat these games as business as usual in the face of the PRC's egregious human rights abuses and atrocities in Xinjiang, and we simply can't do that,” Psaki told reporters during Monday's briefing.

“We have a fundamental commitment to promoting human rights. And we feel strongly in our position and we will continue to take actions to advance human rights in China and beyond,” Psaki added.

The announcement came as Biden prepares to host a White House Summit for Democracy, a virtual gathering of leaders and civil society experts from more than 100 countries that is set to take place Thursday and Friday. The administration has said Biden intends to use the meeting “to announce both individual and collective commitments, reforms, and initiatives to defend democracy and human rights at home and abroad.”

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., called such a diplomatic boycott “a necessary step to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to human rights in the face of the Chinese government's unconscionable abuses.”

He called on “other allies and partners that share our values to join with the United States in this diplomatic boycott.”

Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, however, said the diplomatic boycott amounted to a “half measure.” American officials, including Biden, have criticized Beijing for human rights abuses against Uyghurs in northwest Xinjiang province, suppression of democratic protests in Hong Kong, military aggression against the self-ruled island of Taiwan and more. President Donald Trump's administration in its final days declared the abuses in northwest China “genocide.”

“The United States should fully boycott the Genocide Games in Beijing,” Cotton said. “American businesses should not financially support the Chinese Communist Party and we must not expose Team USA to the dangers of a repugnant authoritarian regime that disappears its own athletes.”

Cotton appeared to be referring to former Grand Slam doubles champion Peng Shuai, who dropped from sight after publicly accusing a former top Communist Party official of sexual assault. Concerns over her safety prompted the Women's Tennis Association to suspend events in China and provided added fuel to opponents of China's hosting of the games.

Psaki would not comment whether Biden weighed pulling athletes from the games - many of whom have been training for years for the moment to compete on the global stage. In 1980, in the midst of the Cold War, Jimmy Carter kept U.S. athletes home from the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

“I don't think that we felt it was the right step to penalize athletes who have been training and preparing for this moment, and we felt that we could send a clear message by not sending an official U.S. delegation,” Psaki said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian accused U.S. politicians of grandstanding over the issue of not sending dignitaries to attend events that China hopes will showcase its economic development and technological prowess.

Speaking to reporters at a daily briefing, Zhao said such a move would be an “outright political provocation,” but gave no details on how China might retaliate.

Human rights advocates and lawmakers in the U.S. who support a boycott say it is a necessary step. They cite China's poor record on human rights as justification, saying China is using the games to whitewash its ill treatment of civil rights activists, political dissidents and ethnic minorities.

“Without being invited, American politicians keep hyping the so-called diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is purely wishful thinking and grandstanding,” Zhao told reporters at a daily briefing. “If the U.S. side is bent on going its own way, China will take firm countermeasures.”

The International Olympic Committee in a statement called the decision to keep dignitaries away from the game a “political decision for each government” that it “fully respects.”

“At the same time, this announcement also makes it clear that the Olympic Games and the participation of the athletes are beyond politics and we welcome this,” the IOC statement said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had been advocating for a diplomatic boycott for months, applauded Biden for taking the step. Still, she said the IOC “allowing a country notorious for its appalling human rights record to host the Olympics makes a mockery of the Olympic Charter, which states that the Games should seek to foster `respect for universal and fundamental ethical principles.”'

The dispatching of high-level delegations to each Olympics has long been a tradition among the U.S. and other leading nations. Then-President George W. Bush attended the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Summer Games. First lady Jill Biden led the American contingent to the Summer Olympics in Tokyo this year and second gentleman Doug Emhoff led a delegation to the Paralympic Games.

The diplomatic boycott comes as the U.S. attempts to stabilize turbulent relations with Beijing, even as it maintains a tough approach toward trade and conflicts over China's actions on Taiwan, human rights, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. CNN was first to report that an announcement was expected this week.

Beijing has mounted a stiff response to all U.S. criticisms, denouncing them as interference in its internal affairs and slapping visa bans on American politicians it regards as anti-China.

It wasn't clear whom the U.S. might have sent to Beijing for the games and Zhao's comments appeared to indicate that China has not extended any invitations.

Australia, whose ties with China have nosedived over a range of disputes, has also raised the possibility of a diplomatic boycott.

Psaki said Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping did not discuss a potential diplomatic boycott of the games when they spoke last month. She said Biden's decision to keep U.S. dignitaries home was conveyed to Beijing by aides before it was formally announced by the White House.

BEIJING (AP) - China accused the United States of violating the Olympic spirit on Tuesday after the Biden administration announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Games over human rights concerns.

Rights groups have pushed for a full-blown boycott of the Games, accusing China of rights abuses against ethnic minorities. The U.S. decision falls short of those calls but comes at an exceptionally turbulent time for relations between the powerhouse nations and was met with a barrage of criticism from China.

The U.S. is attempting to interfere with the Beijing Games “out of ideological prejudice and based on lies and rumors,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told reporters.

The boycott “seriously violates the principle of political neutrality of sports established by the Olympic Charter and runs counter to the Olympic motto `more united,”' Zhao said.

As he did the previous day, Zhao vowed that China would respond with “resolute countermeasures” but offered no details.

“The U.S. will pay a price for its practices. You may stay tuned for follow-ups,” Zhao said.

On Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the Biden administration will fully support U.S. athletes competing at the Games but won't dispatch diplomats or officials to attend.

Psaki said the U.S. has a “fundamental commitment to promoting human rights” and that it “will not be contributing to the fanfare of the Games.”

The diplomatic boycott comes as the U.S. attempts to thread the needle between stabilizing difficult relations with Beijing and maintaining a tough stance on trade and political conflicts. The U.S. has accused China of human rights abuses against Muslim Uyghurs in northwest Xinjiang province, suppressing democratic movements in Hong Kong, committing military aggression against the self-ruled island of Taiwan and more.

Other major countries have yet to say if they will follow the American lead.

Beijing has denounced U.S. criticisms and punitive sanctions as interference in its internal affairs and slapped visa bans on American politicians it regards as anti-China.

Zhao warned the U.S. to “stop politicizing sports” and cease what he said were actions undermining the Beijing Winter Olympics, “otherwise it will undermine the dialogue and cooperation between the two countries in a series of important areas and international issues.”

The Chinese Embassy in Washington dismissed the move as posturing in a tweet.

“In fact, no one would care about whether these people come or not, and it has no impact whatsoever on the #Beijing2022 to be successfully held,” the embassy said.

China's mission to the United Nations called the boycott a “self-directed political farce.”

Even the ruling Communist Party's notoriously opaque Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a response in the form of a lengthy screed on its website entitled “The Spirit of the Olympic Charter Cannot be Tarnished.”

“Some Western anti-China politicians” have shown a “defensive Cold War mentality aimed at politicizing sport,” the article said, calling that a “clear violation of the Olympic spirit and a challenge to all people who love the Olympic movement.”

People on the streets of Beijing were overall dismissive of the U.S. move.

“I don't think it matters at all if they would come or not. The Olympic Games are not about one country or a couple of countries,” said coffee shop employee Deng Tao.

“Such remarks from someone we never invited are simply a farce. And I don't think it will have much impact on the holding of the Winter Olympics,” Lu Xiaolei, who works in trade.

It wasn't clear which officials the U.S. might have sent to Beijing for the Games and Zhao said Monday that no invitation had been extended by China.

Amid the calls for a boycott, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday that the country would make its own decision “from the perspective of national interests, taking into consideration the significance of the Olympic Games and the significance of Japan's diplomacy.”

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said a decision on officials attending would be made “at an appropriate time.”

“In any case, Japan hopes that the Beijing Winter Games will be held as a celebration of peace in line with the principles of the Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Matsuno said.

South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson Choi Young-sam declined to comment on the U.S. decision and said the ministry had not received any request from its ally not to send officials.

South Korea hopes the Beijing Olympics will “contribute to peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and the world and help improve relations between South and North Korea,” Choi said.

New Zealand said Tuesday it won't be attending the games at a diplomatic level, but that it made the decision earlier due mostly to pandemic travel restrictions.

The country told China in October about its plans not to send government ministers, Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said.

“But we've made clear to China on numerous occasions our concerns about human rights issues,” Robertson said.

Australia, whose relations with China have grown increasingly tense, has yet to say whether it will send dignitaries.

The dispatching of high-level delegations to each Olympics has long been a tradition among the U.S. and other leading nations. Then-President George W. Bush attended the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Summer Games. First lady Jill Biden led the American contingent to the Summer Olympics in Tokyo this year and second gentleman Doug Emhoff led a delegation to the Paralympic Games.



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