Sunday, December 08, 2019

우리 모두가 Vagina에 대해 꼭 알아두어야할 5가지 건강유의 사항들 - Dr Jen Gunter

이기사를 처음 읽으면서,행여나 잘못 인식되면, 선정적인 내용으로 비춰질수 있어, 여러번 생각하고, 또 우리말로 표현하는데, 자칫 잘못하면 오해를 일으킬수 있을것 같아 망설였지만, 젊은이들에게는 꼭 필요한,알고 있어야할 옳바른 상식으로 이해되여, 몇자 적어 본것이다.

캐나다와 미국에서 지난 25년간 산부인과 의사로 환자들을 돌보았었던, Dr. Jen Gunter여사가, 모두가 잘못알고있는, 근거없는 여성의 Vagina에 대한 각종미디아의 보도에, 더이상 그냥 있을수 없어 이를 올바르게 알려주기위해, Twitter를 포함한 여러 곳에 여성건강에 대한 옳바른 상식을 홍보하기에 열을 올리고있다.

 Dr. Jen Gunter여사는 Jade egg를 삽입함으로써,"호르몬 발란스,규칙적인 월경, 방광의 기능"을 향상시킨다는 주장에 두팔을 내저으면서 잘못된 정보라고 지적한다.
민간요법으로 알려진 그러한 치료법은 옛중국의 전통치료법에 없을뿐만 아니라 과학적으로도 아무런 증거가 없다고 주장한다. Dr.Gunter 여사의 최신 저서인, "Vigina Bible"은 세계 여러나라에서 베스트 셀러로 많이 읽히고 있다. 책내용은 실질적인 충고, 여성의 권한, 그리고 건강은 여성 스스로 지켜야 할것등을 포함한 유용한 정보로 꽉 채워져 있다.  아래의 몇가지 사항들은 여성들이 Vagina에 대해 꼭 알아야할 실질적인 사항들에 대한 내용들이다. 

1 - It's important to know your vagina from your vulva

The vagina is inside the body - it's the muscular canal which connects the uterus to the outside world. What you can see from the outside, the part that touches your clothes, is the vulva.
Gunter says it's crucial to know the correct terminology, and not to use euphemisms.
"When you can't say the word vagina or vulva, there is an implication that there's something dirty or shameful about that," says Gunter.
She points out that the medical term "pudenda" which describes the outside of the vulva, comes from the Latin "pudet", which means "it shames".
Gunter thinks using such labels is not only harmful to women on an emotional level, but can have an impact on them medically as well, because patients may not be able to describe exactly what's going on and get the right treatment.

2 - The vagina cleans itself

Gunter has noticed a real shift in women's attitudes over the last 10 years, with many believing they need to use products to modify the smell of their vagina. In North America, up to 57% of women have cleaned vaginally in the past year, with many reporting that they are encouraged to do so by their sexual partner.
But Gunter says there is no need to use anything to clean inside the vagina.
"It is a self-cleaning oven," she says.
She especially warns against using scented douches.
"It's a vagina, not a pina colada," she says. "Douches are like cigarettes for your vagina."
Even water can disrupt the delicate ecosystem, increasing the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Steaming, another trend, is not only unnecessary, but can lead to burns.
The outside, the vulval area, can be cleaned when necessary, with water or a gentle cleanser.
Soap can strip the acid mantle, which acts like a protective waterproofing for the skin. If hormonal changes during the menopause make things dry and uncomfortable then it's fine to use something like coconut or olive oil.
Vaginal cells are replaced every 96 hours - a much faster turnover than other parts of the skin - so it can heal quickly.

3 - Your vagina is like a garden

The vagina contains an army of "good" bacteria which help to keep it healthy.
"The vaginal microbiome is like a garden of all different kinds of bacteria that function together to keep the vaginal ecosystem healthy," says Gunter.
The good bacteria produce substances that create a slightly acidic environment, which stops any "bad" bacteria taking hold, as well as mucus which keeps everything lubricated.
This is why wiping inside with an antibacterial wipe is not good - it's important to keep the balance of bacteria. Similarly, Gunter advises against using a hairdryer to dry the vulva: the skin is meant to be moist there.

4 - Pubic hair is there for a reason

Gunter has noticed a growing trend for women to remove all of their pubic hair. This is helping to make pubic lice homeless, but there are also risks to genital depilation.
"When you wax or shave or sugar, you are causing microscopic trauma to the skin," says Gunter. "We see cuts, abrasions, infections from pubic hair removal as well."
She advises making sure the hair removal practitioner doesn't double-dip the wooden sticks into the wax, which could spread bacteria between clients.
If shaving, use a clean razor, prep the skin appropriately and go in the direction of hair growth, to avoid increasing the risk of ingrown hairs, which can get infected.
Above all, Gunter wants people to make an informed choice.
"Pubic hair has a function, it is probably a mechanical barrier and protection for the skin," she says.
"It may also have a role in sexual functioning because each pubic hair is attached to a nerve ending - that's why it hurts to remove it."

5 - Getting older can affect the vagina

After years of having periods and maybe children, the ovaries stop producing eggs and menstruation stops. The amount of hormones in the body which keep women fertile drops dramatically - and low levels of oestrogen, in particular, affect the vagina and vulva.
These tissues, which were once kept moist with mucus, can atrophy, and the resulting dryness can cause pain during sex because of a lack of lubrication.
This might sound depressing, but Gunter says most women can get help with this from their doctor. And some manage well with over-the-counter lubricants.
"I think it's really important for women to know about that," she says. "You don't have to suffer."
There is a myth (borne out of poor research) that having sex will help to keep things in working order but the micro trauma to the vaginal tissues can leave them vulnerable to infection.

Dr Jen Gunter spoke to Health Check on the BBC World Service

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