Tuesday, November 26, 2019

트럼프 대통령, Richard Spencer해군장관 "파면",국방성 발표,한국언론은 "해고" 어느쪽 표현이 정확할까?

 요즘 미국의 CNN방송과 트럼프 행정부는 마치  철천지 원수처럼 24시간 싸움을 계속해온지가 트럼프 취임하면서 부터 있어온것으로 기억하고 있다.

나는 미 해군장관 Richard Spencer 장관직 사임에 대한 조선일보의 기사를 보면서, 좀 이해가 되질  않았다.

"해고를 받아 들이겠다"라고 Head Line에 보도했는데...

 CBS news의 보도내용은 해고가 아니고 "파면"시켰다라고 전했다.  아래의 멘트다.

Fired Navy secretary criticizes Trump decisio...

In an exclusive interview, CBS News’ David Martin spoke with Richard Spencer, the Navy secretary who was fired over his handling of a Navy SEAL's war crimes case. The SEAL, Edward Gallagher, was convicted of posing with a dead ISIS fighter in Iraq and demoted. But the president reversed that decision. As he left the Pentagon Monday for the last time, Spencer argued President Trump's intervention sets a bad precedent.

CBS 뉴스의 David Martin이  Navy Seal의 전쟁범죄사건의 처리를 놓고 파면당한 해군장관, Richard Spencer와 인터뷰를 했었다. Navy Seal, Edward Gallagher가 이락에서 ISIS대원을 사살한후 그시체를 배경으로 사진을 찍은것이 범죄행위로 기소돼였었다. 그러나 트럼프 대통령은 그결정을 뒤집은 것이다.마지막으로 월요일, 그가 국방성을 떠나면서, 스펜서 해군장관은 이번 사건에 트럼프 대통령이 끼어들은것은 대단히 나쁜 선례를 남긴 것이었다라고 항의 했다.

아래는 Foxnews의 보도내용들이다.  여기서도 분명히 스펜서 장관은 "파면"으로 표현했다.
"해고"와 "파면"의 뜻이 같아서 인지는 잘 모르겠으나, 그게 아니라면 조선일보를 포함한 한국언론보도는 정확히 했어야 했다. 그렇치 않아도 한국의 언론은 좌파정부에 자갈이 물려 제대로 보도를 못하는데..
국민들에게 정확히 알려주어야할 의무가 보도의 중심이어야 한다고 믿는다.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper fired Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Sunday over his handling of the case of a Navy SEAL who posed for a photo next to an Islamic State terrorist’s corpse in Iraq, and the SEAL will be able to keep his Trident pin, a Pentagon spokesman said Sunday.
“Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper has asked for the resignation of Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer after losing trust and confidence in him regarding his lack of candor over conversations with the White House involving the handling of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher,” Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement Sunday.
Controversy continued to swirl around whether or not the Navy would strip Gallagher of his Trident pin, ousting him from the prestigious SEALs after he was demoted from chief petty officer to a 1st class petty officer following his conviction in July. President Trump this month restored Gallagher’s rank and ordered that the Navy halt its internal review of Gallagher's actions from 2017 that resulted in a high-profile war crimes case, for which he was found not guilty of the murder of an Islamic State fighter in Iraq.
Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley spoke to Trump on Friday with the intention of persuading the president to allow the Trident review board to go forward with its inquiry. Instead, Esper learned that Spencer previously and privately proposed to the White House – contrary to Spencer’s public position – to restore Gallagher’s rank and let him retire with his Trident pin, the Pentagon said. When Esper recently asked, Spencer confirmed that he'd never informed the defense secretary about his private proposal.
Spencer asked Trump to let the Navy review board go forward, promising that the board would, in the end, allow Gallagher to keep his Trident and rank, effectively alluding to his willingness to fix the results of the board usually comprised of the defendant’s peers, a senior U.S. official told Fox News. Trump rejected the offer and said, “no, we’re done,” prompting the president to write a series of tweets doubling down on his efforts to halt the review, the official added.

“I am deeply troubled by this conduct shown by a senior DOD official,” Esper said. “Unfortunately, as a result, I have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer has my confidence to continue in his position. I wish Richard well.”
Spencer’s ousting was not a consequence of standing up for military justice – but rather was for dishonesty and undermining the military justice system, the senior U.S. official told Fox News. He was fired for “lack of candor,” the official added.
Esper ordered that Gallagher be allowed to keep his Trident pin, noting that it would be nearly impossible for him to get a fair hearing from the military in light of recent events, a senior official said.
Esper suggested that Trump appoint Kenneth Braithwaite, the current U.S. ambassador to Norway and a retired Navy rear admiral, to replace Spencer, the Pentagon said. The president later tweeted Sunday evening that he would nominate Braithwaite for the position, writing, "A man of great achievement and success, I know Ken will do an outstanding job!"

The Washington Post was first to report the news of Spencer's ouster.
In a letter addressed to Trump after his termination, obtained by multiple news organizations, Spencer wrote that he "cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."
He also added that the president "deserved and should expect" a Navy secretary "who is aligned with his vision," but added, "it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline."
Some Pentagon officials said they believed the Navy secretary’s resignation letter was drafted last week. Officials told Fox News there was no formal "order" from the president, as Spencer wrote in his letter, to keep Gallagher on the SEAL teams; Spencer may have drafted a resignation letter in anticipation of a potential written order demanding the Navy scrap the review board scheduled to meet next month.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., said both Esper and Trump notified him that Spencer had been fired.
"Both Secretary Esper and President Trump deserve to have a leadership team who has their trust and confidence," Inhofe said in a statement. “It is no secret that I had my own disagreements with Secretary Spencer over the management of specific Navy programs, and I look forward to receiving and considering a nomination for the next Secretary of the Navy as soon as possible.”
Multiple Navy officials told Fox News that Spencer had threatened to resign if the military branch was not allowed to go through with the administrative review board on the Gallagher matter. Spencer, speaking at an international security forum in Canada on Saturday, denied that claim and said that he did not consider a tweet by Trump an order and would need a formal order to stop the Navy review board, scheduled to begin Dec. 2.
Trump tweeted Thursday, "The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher's Trident Pin. This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business!"

“I need a formal order to act,” Spencer said of Trump’s tweets, “I don’t interpret them as a formal order.”
The Navy on Wednesday had notified Gallagher that he will face the review board to determine if he should remain on the elite force.
“The president of the United States is the commander in chief. He’s involved in every aspect of government and he can make decisions and give orders as appropriate,” Spencer said.

Gallagher’s lawyers have accused the Navy of trying to remove the SEAL designation in retaliation for Trump’s decision to restore his rank.
Gallagher filed a complaint with the inspector general accusing Rear Adm. Collin Green, the Naval Special Warfare commander, of insubordination for defying Trump’s actions.
Speaking earlier Sunday on “Fox & Friends,” Gallagher repeated his argument that the Navy was acting in retaliation.
“They could have taken my Trident at any time they wanted,” he said. “Now they’re trying to take it after the president restored my rank.”
Gallagher said he wanted to be allowed to retire on Nov. 30 “with all the honors that I’ve earned, get back to my family.”
After Spencer's resignation and confirmation that he could keep his Trident pin and rank, Gallagher praised Trump in a statement to Fox News' Pete Hegseth.
"President Donald Trump, you have my deepest gratitude and thanks," Gallagher said. "You stepped in numerous times and showed true moral fiber by correcting all the wrongs that were being done to me. You are a true leader and exactly what the military and this nation needs. God bless you and your family."
Green also notified three SEAL officers who oversaw Gallagher during the deployment — Lt. Cmdr. Robert Breisch, Lt. Jacob Portier and Lt. Thomas MacNeil — that they are also being reviewed, according to U.S. officials. Removing their Trident pins means they will no longer be SEALs but could remain in the Navy.

A Navy source told Fox News that they “can’t see a world where they go forward” with the other 3 SEALS peer review board hearing, following the Gallagher fiasco. “We need to move on.”
The Navy has revoked 154 Trident pins since 2011.

"해고를 받아들이겠다."

전쟁 범죄로 유죄 판결을 받은 특수부대 요원의 복권(復權) 여부를 두고 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령과 설전을 벌이며 갈등하다 사임 요구를 받은 리처드 스펜서 전 미 해군 장관이 사직서에서 헌법 수호 의지를 강하게 피력했다고 CNN이 25일(현지 시각) 보도했다.

CNN에 따르면 스펜서 전 장관은 트럼프 대통령 앞으로 남긴 사직서에서 "미국인과 우리가 소중하게 여기는 가치를 수호하기 위해 해군과 해병대원들을 평생 섬길 수 있었던 것은 엄청난 영광이었다"고 운을 뗀 뒤 "나는 양심상 미국 헌법을 지지하고 수호하기 위해 내 가족과 국기, 신념 앞에서 한 신성한 맹세를 어기는 명령에 복종할 수 없다"고 썼다. 
그는 이어 "질서정연함과 규율은 우리가 외국의 압제에 대항해 몇 번이고 승리할 수 있게 한 것"이라며 "불행하게도 나는 핵심원칙인 질서정연함과 규율에 관해 더이상 나를 임명한 최고사령관(대통령)과 같은 이해를 공유하지 않는다는 점이 분명해졌다"고 적었다.

사직서 말미에는 "대통령은 안정된 미래 국방을 위해 비전을 함께 공유할 수 있는 해군장관을 임명할 자격이 있다"며 "이 같은 이유로 나는 우리가 함께 한 업적에 대한 자부심과 (미국) 해군과 해병이 앞으로도 계속 최고 수준으로 유지될 것이라는 믿음으로 나의 임기 만료를 받아들인다"고 썼다.

한편 트럼프 대통령은 전날 트위터를 통해 마크 에스퍼 국방부 장관이 스펜서 해군장관에 대해 경질을 통보한 사실을 공개했다. 트럼프 대통령은 "에드워드 갤러거 중사 문제를 다루는 해군의 방식이 마음에 들지 않았다"며 "갤러거 중사는 부당한 대우를 받았지만, 그의 주요 혐의는 모두 무죄로 입증됐다"고 말했다. 스펜서 장관의 후임에는 케네스 브레이드웨이트 주노르웨이 대사가 곧바로 임명됐다.

경질의 직접적인 사유가 된 에드워드 갤러거 중사는 미 해군 특수부대 네이비실(Navy SEAL) 소속 군인이다. 그는 동성 훈장을 두 차례나 받은 엘리트 군인이었지만, 2017년 이라크에서 민간인을 총으로 쏘거나 이슬람국가(IS) 비무장 소년병을 잔혹하게 살해한 뒤 시체의 머리채를 잡고 셀카를 찍은 혐의로 지난해 9월 군 검찰에 체포돼 재판에 넘겨졌다.

전통적으로 군에 우호적인 미 공화당과 트럼프 대통령은 엄호에 나섰다. 트럼프 대통령은 갤러거에게 개인 변호사까지 붙여줬다. 트럼프 대통령은 갤러거에 대해 "국가를 위해 봉사한 인물"이라며 "(유죄 판결을 받더라도) 직권으로 그를 사면하겠다"라고 했다.

그러나 이후 스펜서 장관은 비밀리에 백악관 측에 ‘갤러거가 네이비실 소속은 유지하되, 현 직책에서는 물러나는 방안’을 제안했다. 직속상관인 마크 에스퍼 미 국방장관 몰래 백악관 측과 문제를 직접 해결하려고 시도한 것이다.
트럼프 대통령은 강하게 질책했다. 21일 트위터에서 "해군은 갤러거에게서 삼지창핀(Trident Pin·네이비실의 상징)을 빼앗지 않을 것"이라며 "이 사건은 처음부터 매우 잘못 처리됐다"고 했다. 갤러거에 대한 징계 절차를 중단하라고 해군 측에 트위터를 통해 전달한 것이다.

스펜서 장관은 23일 "행동하기 위해선 명령이 필요하다. (트위터는) 정식 명령이 아니다"라고 맞섰다. 그러나 미 국방부는 스펜서 장관이 상관인 에스퍼 장관을 건너뛰고 백악관 측에 비밀 제안을 해 군령을 어겼다는 점과 그의 말 바꾸기를 문제 삼아 사표를 제출하라고 요구했다. 에스퍼 장관은 성명에서 "스펜서는 솔직하지 못했으며, 그를 더 이상 믿을 수 없다"며 사임 종용 이유를 밝혔다.



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