Monday, August 19, 2019

강간, 근친상간이 없었다면, 지구상에 인구가 존재 했을까라는 의문제기한, 미의원 Steve King 구설수.

오늘을 사는 우리는 대부분 우리 조상들, 특히 어머니들이 옛날에 강간 또는 근친상간등등의 불법관계를 거치지 않았었다면, 오늘날 지구상에 우리의 존재가 있을수 있었을까?라는 역사적 고찰을 들이대면서, 강간당해 임신된 여성일지라도, 낙태는 안된다는 논리를 편, 미국하원의원(공화당), Steve King의원이 구설수에 오르고, 민주당 및 공화당 동료의원들로 신랄한 비난을 받고 있다.

"오랜 옛날에, 전쟁이 일어나고, 점령군들이 강간하고 약탈하고 그로인해 그들이 살고있는 동네에 이러한 회오리 바람이 불고난후에 이상한 문화가 생겨났다고 상상해 볼수 있지 않은가? 나자신도 역시 내가 그러한 상황에서 태어난 후손이 아니라는 것을 확인할 길이 없는 상황이다"라고 그는 설명을 한다.

비유가 될지는 잘 모르겠으나, 1970년대에 우리 한국군인들이 전쟁에 참여한 역사가 있다. 다름아닌 월남전쟁이다.  그때 연합군의 일원으로 참여한 우리 젊은 병사들이 전쟁의 사지에서 현지 여성들과의 관계에서 태어난 후손들이 훗날 한국을 찾았던 경우와 현지 월남에서 태어난 후손들이 막연히, 엄마가 알려주는 희미한 기억을 더듬어,따이안 출신의 아버지가 찾아올것으로 막연히 북쪽 하늘을 바라보면서 기다렸고, 후에 상봉하는 장면들을 뉴스미디아들이 보도해서 전세계에 파장을 일으켰던 기억을 나는 지금도 기억하고 있다.

윤리를 중시하는 우리 인류사회에서 그러한 어두운면을 뒤에 묻어두고 쉬쉬해가면서, 오늘에 이르러 화려한 문화의 꽃과 경제적 풍요를 누리고 있는데, 뜸금없이 전쟁의 예를 들어 깊이 숨겨져 있던 아픈곳을 굳이 들어내는 그의 마음은 이해 하겠으나, 현재 사회에서 강간을 당한 여성의 인권을 무시하고, 낙태를 안된다고 하는 논리는 평생을 어둠속에 한여성의 삶을 살게하는 괴로운면을 심각히 생각했어야 하지 않았을까?
그러기 때문에 우리는 부모님을 공경하고, 우리 인류사회가 동물세계와 다른점이라는점, 강조되야했다.

아래의 미국 미디아의 보도 내용을 옮겨놓았다.  진지하게 사고하면서 읽어봤으면 한다.

Washington (CNN)GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa questioned on Wednesday whether there would be any population left on Earth if not for rape and incest, a remark that has drawn condemnation from both Democrats and Republicans.
"What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out that were products of rape and incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" he said in Urbandale, Iowa, according to video posted online by the Des Moines Register, which was first to report on the remarks Wednesday.
"Considering all the wars and all the rape and pillage that has taken place ... I know I can't certify that I was not a part of a product of that," King said. "I'd like to think that every one of the lives of us are as precious as any other life," he added.

The remarks came as King was defending not allowing exceptions for abortion in cases of rape or incest.
The Iowa Republican is a controversial and polarizing figure on Capitol Hill who has a track record of making racist comments that have generated backlash across the political spectrum.
In January, House Republicans stripped King of committee assignments, an action that took place after an interview in which he appeared to lament that the term "white supremacist" is considered offensive.

CNN has reached out to King's office for comment, but did not immediately receive a response.
The remarks quickly generated condemnation from lawmakers in both parties.
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the No. 3 House Republican, said in a tweet that the remarks were "appalling and bizarre" and called on him to resign.
"Today's comments by @RepSteveKingIA are appalling and bizarre. As I've said before, it's time for him to go. The people of Iowa's 4th congressional district deserve better," Cheney tweeted.
JD Scholten, who announced earlier this month that he will once again try to unseat King by running against him in 2020, said the Iowa Republican is pushing a "selfish agenda," and accused him of excusing violence.
"Our congressman continues to push his selfish agenda above the needs of #IA04 -- this time he excuses violence. This isn't what we stand for," the Democratic challenger wrote, including a link to a fundraising page with the message.

King also faces a GOP primary before he gets to the general election.
One of primary challengers, Iowa state Sen. Randy Feenstra, called the comments "bizarre" in a statement on Wednesday.
"I am 100% pro-life but Congressman King's bizarre comments and behavior diminish our message and damage our cause," he said, adding, "We can't afford to hand the 4th District to Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Congress. President Trump needs defenders in Congress, not distractions."

Democratic presidential candidates were quick to denounce the congressman too, with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calling for his resignation.
"You are a disgrace. Resign," Gillibrand tweeted at King on Wednesday.
"My friend @JDScholten is standing up and fighting back against Steve King, and he needs all of our help," Beto O'Rourke tweeted, "because no matter where you live, you know there's no place for Steve King's racism, bigotry, and hatred in Congress.
"Iowans have long deserved better than Steve King and his hateful, insulting words. He should resign," tweeted Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.
In an exchange with CNN on Tuesday prior to the latest controversial remarks, King argued that he believes he will be re-assigned to congressional committees before 2020.
When asked if he hopes to be re-assigned to committees if he is reelected in 2020, King responded, "I'm not going to wait that long."
Referring to the House GOP leader, King said, "Kevin McCarthy made a huge mistake, it is an obscene injustice, and it's an affront to Iowans and everybody in this country." 

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