Friday, August 16, 2019

Pilot의 지혜가 235명의 생명을 구했다.갈매기떼와 충돌한 러시아 여객기 옥수수밭에 비상착륙으로

지난 목요일, 8월 15일 러시아의 여객기 한대가,  모스크바 인근의 Ramenskoye,  옥수수밭에 비상착륙해서, 타고있던 승객 226명과 Crew 7명의 생명을 구해서, 이항공기 조종사,Damir Yusupov씨가 이륙후 한떼의 갈매기떼들과 충돌하여, 엔진이 멈추게 되자, 차분히 항공기를 조정하여 인근의 옥수수밭에 비상착륙한 영웅적인 기지를 발휘한 얘기가 잔잔한 감동을 주고 있다.

갈매기들이 공항근처에 모여든 원인은, 공항근처에 음식찌꺼기가 섞여있는 쓰레기를 불법으로 버려, 새들이 먹이를 찾아 그곳에 모여 들게되면서, 이런 사고가 나게 된것이라고 한다. 따지고 보면 모든 사고들은 사람들이 원인을 만들고, 희생되는것 같다는 생각이다.

2009년도에도 이와 비슷한 사고가 발생하여 무사히 인명을 구한 영웅적 Pilot가 있었다.
US Airways의 Airbus A320이 뉴욕의 LaGuardia공항을 이륙하면서 한떼의 기러기들과 충돌하여 양쪽 엔진이 꺼지자, 이비행기의 조종사는 Manhattan의 인근에 있는 Hudson강에 비상착륙하여, 탑승하고 있던 모든 승객들을 구한 Happy Ending같은 사고 였었다.

아래에 그극적인 순간의 가슴 조이는 장면에 대한 자세한 얘기를 들어보자.

2019년 8월15일,Ural 항공사 A321 여객기가, 모스크바외곽의 Ramenskoye부근의 옥수수밭에 비상착륙한후의 여객기모습. 이항공기에는 226명 승객과 7명의 Crew가 타고 있었는데, Zhukovsky공항으로 부터 목요일 이륙직후 한떼의 새들과 충돌하는 사고가 발생, 러시아의 건강관계자들의 설명에 의하면 5명의 어린이를 포함하여 23명의 승객이 부상당해 병원으로 급히이송되긴 했지만 승객모두가 안전하게 구조 했다고 한다. 
MOSCOW -- The captain of a Russian passenger jet was hailed as a hero Thursday for landing his plane in a cornfield after it collided with a flock of gulls seconds after takeoff, causing both engines to malfunction. While dozens of people sought medical assistance, only one was hospitalized.
The event drew comparisons to the 2009 "Miracle on the Hudson," when a captain ditched his plane in New York's Hudson River after a bird strike disabled his engines.
The Ural Airlines A321 carrying 226 passengers and a crew of seven hit the birds as it was taking off Thursday from Moscow's Zhukovsky airport en route for Simferopol, in Crimea.
Russia's Rosaviatsiya state aviation agency chief Alexander Neradko told reporters that the crew "made the only right decision" to land the fully loaded plane immediately after both of the plane's engines malfunctioned.
"The crew has shown courage and professionalism and deserve the highest state awards," he said.
The plane was fully loaded with 16 tons of kerosene, he added.
"Just imagine what the consequences would be if the crew didn't make the correct decision."
The airline said the captain, 41-year old Damir Yusupov, is a highly experienced pilot who has logged over 3,000 flight hours.
Yusupov, a son of a helicopter pilot, worked as a lawyer before he changed course and joined a flight school when he was 32. A father of four, he has flown with the Ural Airlines since his graduation in 2013 and became the captain last year.
Yusupov's wife told Rossiya state television from their home in Yekaterinburg that he called her after landing before she had heard about the emergency.
"He called me and said that everyone is alive," she said. "I was horrified and in panic and burst into tears."
Russian television stations carried footage of passengers standing in the cornfield next to the plane, hugging the pilot and thanking him for saving their lives.
"It was quite a feat to keep the plane from stalling and quickly find a place to land," Viktor Zabolotsky, a former test pilot, said in televised remarks.
The crew received swift accolades. Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, hailed the pilots as "heroes" and said they will receive state awards. And Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev opened a session of Cabinet by praising the crew and asking the transport minister to explain what happened.
The Emergencies Ministry said that 55 people asked for medical assistance after the incident. The health authorities said 23 people, including five children, were taken to the hospital, but all but one were released following check-ups and quick treatment.
Plane engines are designed to withstand occasional bird strikes, but a collision with a flock of birds can result in serious trouble. Bird strikes on planes occur regularly around the world, and airports use bird distress signals, air cannons and other means to chase birds away -- measures which aren't always efficient.
In 2009, a US Airways Airbus A320 hit a flock of geese after takeoff from New York City's LaGuardia Airport and both of its engines shut down. The crew made an emergency landing in the Hudson River off Midtown Manhattan, and everyone survived.
The "Miracle on the Hudson" was immortalized in the Hollywood movie "Sully," based on the autobiography of Capt. Chesley Sullenberger and starring Tom Hanks.
Some media reports suggested that the birds could have been drawn to Zhukovsky by an unauthorized garbage dump in the vicinity, but there was no immediate confirmation of the claim.

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