Thursday, December 06, 2018

아버지 Bush, State funeral 에 전직대통령들,전세계의 정치지도자들 참석. Houston 아내곁으로

미사여구를 써서, 영생의 나라로 여행을 떠난다고들 위안을 찾지만, 사랑하는 가족, 친지들을 떠나 보내야 하는 유족들의 마음은 하늘이 무너지는것과 다름없음을, 살아오면설 직접 당하기도했고, 또는 조문을 가서 많이 고통의 마음을 나누기도 수없이 경험 했었다.

아버지 대통령은 긴여정을 마치고, Houton, 대통령 도서관에, 앞서 하늘나라로 떠난 아내  Barbara Bush곁에서 영원한 휴식을 취하면서, 이승에서의 삶은 마감됐다.

아버지 Bush대통령의 장례식을 TV 중계를 보면서, 그분의 영생의 길로 향하는 위안의 여러 미사여구를 총동원하여 유족들을 위로 해보지만, 아버지 Bush의 생전의 활동상을 보면서, 그는 진정한 미국을 사랑한 애국자였음을 다시 되새기게 하는 순간들이었었다.

세계 2차 대전이 발발하자, 26세의 어린나이로 해군에 자원 입대하여, 해군 전투기 조종사로 참전했다가 비행기가 추락하여 망망대해에서 수시간동안 막연히 구조를 기다리던 순간을 보여주는 영상을 볼때는, 참으로 비교가 많이 되기도 했었다.  서울시장의 아들은 병역의무를 피하기위해 남의 신검기록을 대체 시켜, 군대에 가지않고, 그이후로는 아들이 어디 있는지도 모른다고 오리발을 내미는, 그런 아버지가 서울시장으로 있는 한국과 너무도 대조적이었다.

전미국의 정치가들, 미국민들의 가슴속에 큰 영웅으로 큰 각인을 해놓고, 아버지 Bush대통령은 영원의 나라로 여행을 떠난것이다. 이를 환송하기위해 전미국과 전세계의 정치적 지도자들이 한곳에 모여 이다음에 다시만날것을 기약하면서, 아쉬운 작별을 했었다. 아름답다.

An emotional George W Bush has paid tribute to his father, former President George HW Bush, during a state funeral in Washington.
Mr Bush Jr, himself a former president, described him as "a noble man, the best father".
All surviving US presidents attended the funeral, sharing a pew in the US National Cathedral in Washington DC.
Mr Bush senior, who served as the 41st US president between 1989 and 1993, died on Friday at the age of 94.
He will be buried in his home state of Texas, alongside his wife Barbara.
In his eulogy, George W Bush said his father had taught him that "public service is noble and necessary".
"He accepted failure is part of living a full life, but taught us never to be defined by failure. He showed us how setbacks can strengthen," he added.
His voice breaking with emotion at the end of his eulogy, Mr Bush said: "Through our tears, let us know the blessings of knowing and loving you. A great and noble man, the best father a son or daughter could have."

What happened at the funeral?

The invitation-only funeral at the National Cathedral was attended by President Donald Trump and his predecessors Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
The Prince of Wales, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Jordan's King Abdullah II were among the world figures there to pay their respects.
Former leaders, including John Major, who was UK prime minister for most of Mr Bush's term, also attended.
Wednesday has been declared a national day of mourning - many government offices and US stock exchanges are closed.
Following the funeral service, Mr Bush's flag-draped casket was carried from the cathedral by a military honour guard and was later flown to Texas, arriving in Houston at 23:00 GMT.
The casket will lie in public repose at St Martin's Episcopal Church until Thursday morning.

There will be a second service before the Bush 4141 - a train which was named in honour of the president - takes his body to its final resting place, next to his wife Barbara at the George HW Bush presidential library. 
Jim McGrath, who was Mr Bush's spokesman, said the president had once wondered if anyone would attend his funeral.

What other tributes were paid?

Presidential historian Jon Meacham described Mr Bush Sr as "America's last great soldier statesman", recounting how he had served as a US Navy pilot in World War Two and survived after his plane was shot down over the Pacific.
"His life was a perennial effort to prove himself worthy of his salvation on that distant morning," he said.
Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney praised Mr Bush Sr's role in navigating the end of the Cold War.
"When George Bush was president of the United States of America, every single head of government in the world knew that they were dealing with a gentleman, a genuine leader, one who was distinguished, resolute and brave," he said.
Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson said Mr Bush had a simple credo: "What would we do without family and friends?"

Who was Bush Sr and what is his legacy?

George HW Bush was a decorated fighter pilot in World War Two, a head of the CIA and vice-president to Ronald Reagan before being elected president in 1988.
His time in office was dominated by foreign policy - and he was praised for how he navigated the end of the Cold War, and handled the first Gulf War.

However, he was accused of neglecting domestic affairs and, after reneging on a campaign promise not to increase taxes, lost to Bill Clinton in the 1992 presidential election.
He has been described as a bipartisan figure who tried to make conservatism "kinder and gentler".
Mr Trump has in the past clashed with the Bush family - and Mr Bush told a historian he voted for Mr Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
Mr Bush's former White House press secretary, Marlin Fitzwater, told Reuters: "It's important for our presidents to pay respect to each other and I'm glad President Trump will be there."

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