Sunday, March 11, 2018

문통정부, 월요일에 중국에 특사 파견, 한반도관계 브리핑후, 베이징에서 다시 모스코바로 간다.

북한 김정은이를 만나고, 회담결과를 브리핑하러, 와싱턴으로 트럼프 대통령을 방문했던, 청와대 안보실장이 어제 귀국하자마자, 다시 월요일 서훈 국정원장과 함께 중국 베이징으로 날아간다.  그곳에서 중국 정부 당국자들에게 브리핑을 하게 된다고 하는데, 시진핑을 만나게 될지의 여부는 밝혀지지 않고 있다.

베이징에서 2일간 머물면서 중국정부 관계자들을 만난후, 이들은 다시 모스코바로 날아가 러시아 당국에도 브리핑 할계획이라고 한다.  완전히 김정은의 심부름꾼으로 전락한 문통좌파 정부를 보면서, 조국 대한민국 앞날의 주인은 5천만이 아닐것 같아 보인다.

아래는 CGTV의 뉴스 보도 내용이다.
The Republic of Korea (ROK) special envoy who met US President Donald Trump and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) leader Kim Jong Un is flying to Beijing on Monday to brief Chinese officials.
Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday that Chung Eui-yong, head of the ROK National Security Office, will be accompanied by Suh Hoon, chief of the National Intelligence Service.
They have just returned to Seoul from Washington after an earlier trip to Pyongyang where the ROK and DPRK agreed to hold a summit at the border village of Panmunjom at the end of April, the latest initiative to try to sustain the recent ease in tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
The two officials then flew to the US capital to brief Trump on their meeting with Kim. It was after the White House meeting that Chung stunned the world by announcing that Trump had accepted an invitation in principle to meet the DPRK leader.

DPRK leader Kim Jong Un shakes hands with Chung Eui-yong in Pyongyang, March 6, 2018. /Reuters Photo
The tension on the peninsula eased around last month’s Winter Olympics in the South, laying the groundwork for the meeting between Kim and ROK President Moon Jae-in and a possible first meeting between leaders from the DPRK and the US.
China has welcomed the ease in the standoff in the region.

Seoul's national security chief Chung Eui-yong briefs President Donald Trump at the White House about his visit to the DPRK, March 8, 2018. /Reuters Photo
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart exchanged views on the latest developments on the Korean nuclear issue. Both leaders said they are pleased to see the positive changes and said they hope to resolve the crisis through political dialogue.
After a two-day trip to China, Chung will fly to Moscow and meet his counterparts through Thursday. Suh plans to visit Japan on Monday, Yonhap said.

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