Saturday, January 06, 2018

두얼굴의 김정은 새해신년사에서 협박과 평창참가 조건걸어. 문통정부는 감지덕지로 희색만연.

문통정부가 김정은 Regime에게 기싸움에서 과연 기선을 잡을수 있을까?
김정은 Regime의 지난 25년간의 남북대화 기록을 잘 살펴보면 대답은 그냥 나온다.  즉 이번 만남도 북한의 의도데로 남한정부는 또다시 끌려 들어가고 있다는 것이다.

이북은 항상 그네들이 필요할때면 응했을뿐, 한국정부에서 대화의 신호를 보냈을때 혼쾌히 응해온적이 한번도 없었다.  내일 모레 판문점 meeting도, 왜 그들이 응했는가를 곰곰히 그의도를 씹어 보아야 한다.

지난해 부터 북한 목조이기 작전에 들어간 UN의 대북제재에 이제는 중국까지도 동참해서, 숨통을 조이니, 더이상은 버티기 어려워 질식해가는 숨통에 잠시나마 바람을 넣기위해, 즉 시간을 벌기위해 쑈를 하는 것이라고 보면 예상에서 크게 빗나가지 않을 것이다.

문통은 이러한 그들의 사정을 알고 국빈 대우을 하는것인지? 아니면 미국을 비롯한 서방동맹국들과 심지어 중국으로 부터 왕따를 당하고 있는 처참한 꼴볼견의 처지를, 이렇게 라도 해서, 벗어 나보려는 발버둥인지는, 지금 현시점에서 속단하기는, 올림픽이 끝난후에야  알게될것으로 보인다.
문통정부의 이북선수단 평창참가 여부에 대한 조치를 보면, 마치 전쟁에 출정해서 승리를 거두고 귀환하는 장수들을 환영하는것 같은 그림이 그려진다.

오랜옛날, 몽골제국의 "징 키스칸"이 아시아와 유럽을 점령하고 승전고를 울리면서 "울란바토" 로 귀환하는것 이상으로 환영하는 어처구니없는 읍소로 보인다. 어찌해서 5천만 국민들의 평화와 안전을 핵으로 위협하는 주적을 환대하는가?  이러한 쑈가 단 3개월만이라도 지속될수 있다는 보장만 있어도 이렇게 가슴이 허하지는 않을 것이다.

Trump대통령은 이러한 한반도 남쪽의 문통정부의 조치를, 환영하기는 커녕, 너무도 어이가 없어하는 표정으로 "두고보자,두고보자" 로 평했는데, 한마디로 "어이가 없다"라는 뜻이다.

김정은팀의 평창참가로, 주적북한은 또 시간을 벌게됐다.  그사이 뒷구멍에서 어떤 악취나는 불법행동을 하게될지?  참으로 걱정된다.  왜 한반도의 평화안전을, 맹방과 머리맞대고 해결할 생각은 접어두고, 주적인 이북에 구걸할려고 발버둥치나.  참가하든 말든, 관심을 두지 않으면  제풀에 꺽일 상황인데.....

 North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has said a nuclear launch button is "always on my table" and warned the US it will never be able to start a war.
In a televised new year speech, he said the entire US was within range of North Korean nuclear weapons, adding: "This is reality, not a threat."
But he also offered a potential olive branch to South Korea, suggesting he was "open to dialogue". 
North Korea may also send a team to the Winter Olympics in Seoul, he said.

What is President Trump's reaction?

When asked by reporters to respond to Mr Kim's latest threats, US President Donald Trump said, "We'll see, we'll see".
He was speaking at the sidelines of New Year's Eve celebrations at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
North Korea has come under increased criticism and sanctions over the past year because of its nuclear weapons programme and repeated testing of conventional missiles.

 It claims to have a fully deployable nuclear weapon, though there is still some international scepticism about its true capacity to carry out such an attack.
In his speech, Mr Kim re-emphasised his focus on the weapons programme, but implied the country still has a few stages left to go before achieving its ambitions. North Korea must "mass-produce nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles and speed up their deployment", he said. 
He also said they would not use their weapons unless they felt that peace was threatened. 

Thawing relations with the South? 

While his language against the US remained tough, Mr Kim did not employ his typically antagonistic tone when speaking about his neighbours in South Korea. 
"The year 2018 is a significant year for both the North and the South, with the North marking the 70th anniversary of its birth and the South hosting the Winter Olympics.

 "We should melt the frozen North-South relations, thus adorning this meaningful year as a year to be specially recorded in the history of the nation," he said.
A spokesperson for the South Korean president said their office had "always stated our willingness to talk with North Korea at anytime and anywhere". 
"We hope the two Koreas will sit down and find a solution to lower tensions and establish peace on the Korean peninsula."
Youngshik Daniel Bong, a research fellow at Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies, told the BBC that addressing the South was a marked change from the norm for Mr Kim. 
"North Korea usually ignores South Korea, maintaining the position that as a 'nuclear power' it will deal with the US on its own," said Mr Bong. "It appears that by engaging the South, he hopes to create an estrangement between South Korea and the US."
The analyst also said that Mr Kim could be seeking to improve ties to offer some respite from the growing economic pressures from the recent UN sanctions. 

Will North Korea now go to the Olympics? 

Mr Kim also said he would also consider sending a delegation to the Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in February - a gesture which South Korea has previously suggested would be welcome.
"North Korea's participation in the Winter Games will be a good opportunity to show unity of the people and we wish the Games will be a success," he said. 
"Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility."

The president of the PyeongChang Games' organising committee, Lee Hee-beom, told South Korea's news agency Yonhap he was delighted to hear of the potential participation. 
"[The committee] enthusiastically welcomes it. It's like a New Year's gift," he said. 
The only two North Korean athletes who qualified for the Games are figure skaters Ryom Tae-Ok and Kim Ju-Sik. 
Although the North has missed the official deadline to confirm their participation, the skaters could still compete with an invitation by the International Olympic Committee.
South Korea's President Moon Jae-in last month suggested delaying an annual joint military drill with US troops until after the Games. The North usually denounces any such exercises as a rehearsal for war. 
Robert Kelly, a political science professor at South Korea's Pusan National University, told the BBC that the Winter Olympics statement was "a smart move from North Korea" as it positioned Mr Kim's regime as moving towards its neighbours while the US was seeking to isolate it.

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