Wednesday, December 06, 2017

트럼프의 공인, "이스라엘의 수도는 예루살렘이다"라고. 전세계의 반응은 번개,천둥같았다. 한반도에서도 곧...

오늘 트럼프 대통령의 대국민 발표는 좀 색달랐다.  지난 70여년동안, 이스라엘과 팔레스타인간에 끊임없이 있어왔던 전쟁, 마찰이 해결되기전에는 예루살렘을 이스라엘의 수도로 공식적으로 인정하기를 정치꾼들의 이해득실관계로 미루어 왔던 미국의 정책을, 미국과 전세계에 인정하는 발표를 함으로써, 그결과에 희비가 엇갈리고 있고, 전세계는 마치 커다란 지진을 겪은것 처럼 요동치고있다.

영국을 비롯한 전 서방세계는 일제히 그의 선언을 비판하기에 바쁜 하루였었다.

앞으로 6개월안에 이스라엘주재 미국대사관은 현재 위치, 텔아비브에서 예루살렘으로 옮길것으로 보인다.  미국의 대외정책을 완전히 바꾸는 선언으로 앞으로 많은 위험부담이 뒤따를것으로 전문가들은 걱정하는 것 같다.

그들의 설명에 따르면 오늘 발표는 오랫동안 유지해왔던 정책 또는 국가안보정책에 따른 행동이었는지? 아니면 선거운동당시의 공약을 지키기위한 결정이었는지는 앞으로 토론의 여지를 많이 남겨놓았다고 하겠다.

트럼프의 발표에 이스라엘 수상 "나타나휴"는 따뜻한 환영의 박수를 쳤으며, 미국의 이번 정책 선언에 다른 나라에서도 응원해 줄것을 주문하는데 많은 시간을 보냈다고한다.

반대로 팔레스타인 대통령, Mahmoud Abbas 는 강력히 트럼프대통령의 정책전환을 비난 하면서, 전국에 TV 방송된 연설에서, 앞으로 극렬분자들의 조직에서 성전( Holy Wars) 을 일으킬 원인을 제공한것이라고 트럼프를 비난했다.

지난 70여년동안, 미국의 전직 대통령들은 양국의 지도자를 백악관으로 초청하여, 이들 두나라가 평화를 유지하면서 세계평화에 공헌하기를 공들여왔었지만,  결과는 항상 세계대전이 발발할수 있는 화약고로, 대결양상으로 끝나곤 했었다.  마치 한반도에서 한국전 이후로 현재까지 행동이 없는 말의 잔치를 해온결과, 전세계를 전쟁의 공포속으로 몰아넣은 것과 거의 비슷한 정책과 일맥상통한다고 생각된다.
한반도에도 트럼프의 행동이 뒤따르지 않을까?라는 생각을 해보게된다.

과연 트럼프는 정치 9단의 와싱턴 정가의 정치꾼들의 생각을 완전히 바꾸겠다고 한 그의 선거공약을 지킬려고 하는 의지를 보인것으로 이해를 하지만..... 너무나 많은 대가를 치러야 하지 않을까?라는 걱정도 있다.  그가 잘 대처해 나갈것으로, 그래서 그를 지지해준 유권자들의 지지를 계속 유지하게 되기를 기대해 본다.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's fragile political standing among American voters may be about to cause dangerous reverberations in the Middle East, even provoking the Pope to express concern.
His announcement Wednesday that he will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin to relocate the US embassy there from Tel Aviv is sparking debate over what the President personally, and the United States, will gain given that the decision marks a sharp foreign policy turn and comes with such high risks.
Critics doubt that the President is acting on the basis of long-held principles or a coherent national security strategy and charge he is instead determined to further personal goals at a time when he needs to show his political base that he is rapidly ticking off his campaign promises.

Upending decades of foreign policy

Trump's decision upended seven decades of US foreign policy that has resisted a recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved.
"Today, I am delivering," Trump said, referencing his campaign promise.
But Trump's move on Wednesday signaled a willingness to prioritize the fulfillment of another campaign promise over warnings from US allies in the region. The decision could also stymie the peace process and increase security risks in a region that is already on edge. 
Acknowledging the concerns he fielded a day earlier from regional Arab leaders, Trump underscored his decision by reaffirming the United States' commitment to helping Israelis and Palestinians reach a peace agreement. He also stressed that his announcement did not mark a shift in US policy on the final boundaries of future Israeli and Palestinian states.
"We are not taking a position on any of the final status issues including the final boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem," Trump said. "Those questions are up to the parties involved. The United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate a peace agreement that is acceptable to both sides."

Trump's announcement was warmly received by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who seized on the opportunity to call on other countries to join the US in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
"The President's decision is an important step towards peace, for there is no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel," Netanyahu said.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned and rejected Trump's decision. Speaking in a televised address, the Palestinian leader said the move will aid extremist organizations to wage holy wars. 
"These procedures do also help in the extremist organizations to wage a religious war that would harm the entire region which is going through critical moments and would lead us into wars that will never end which we have warned about and always urged to fight against," he said.
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said Trump's decision "disqualified the United States of America to play any role in any peace process."
"President Trump just destroyed any policy of a two-state (solution)," Erakat said in a statement. "He has taken an action to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is in total contradiction of agreements signed between Palestinians and Israelis."

Regional ramifications

The ramifications of Trump's decision reverberated immediately through Israel, the West Bank and the Middle East, though senior administration officials have acknowledged it will take years for the US to build the new embassy in Jerusalem.
Trump ordered the State Department Wednesday "to begin preparations to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem," noting his directive would allow the State Department to begin hiring architects and building contractors to build an embassy he said will be "a magnificent tribute to peace."
While Trump underscored his announcement with an emphasis on US commitment to a peace deal, the move appeared to signal a reduced commitment on the President's part to achieving one. Just two months earlier, Trump said he was delaying a decision on moving the embassy to Jerusalem to give peace "a shot."
"I want to give that a shot before I even think about moving the embassy to Jerusalem," Trump had said in an interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in October, one of Trump's evangelical conservative supporters.
And Trump appeared to acknowledge Wednesday that little progress has been made in his administration's push for peace, as Trump said "we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians" than two decades earlier.

Advisers divided

Trump's decision on Jerusalem divided the President's top advisers, with Defense Secretary James Mattis, CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson privately arguing against unsettling the status quo, senior administration officials told CNN. Vice President Mike Pence, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman pushed in favor of the move, the sources said.
The President's top officials overseeing the US push for Israeli-Palestinian peace -- son-in-law Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt -- supported recognizing Jerusalem as the capital, but urged Trump to delay a move on the embassy, the sources said.
Trump's announcement Wednesday notably took place without Tillerson at his side, while he was flanked by Pence, who had acted as a key liaison to the evangelical community as the decision was crafted.
The impending announcement sent US allies and US officials in the region scurrying to brace for protests and the potential for violence as a result of the announcement.
Palestinian factions called for three days of rage in response to the announcement and US officials issued security warnings for the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem.
Arab leaders in the region and French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, expressed their deep misgivings about Trump's move in phone calls with the US President on Tuesday, urging Trump to reconsider.

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