Friday, November 18, 2016

안방마님,Melania Trump와 Michelle Obama, 따로만나,정치보다는, 진솔한 삶의 얘기를 나누었다.

대통령 당선자 부인, Future First Lady, Melania와 현재 백악관의 안주인, Michelle이, 부군들이 백악관의 미팅룸에서, 선거후 처음 대면을 하고, 앞으로 정권 인수인계에 대한 덕담을 나누고 있는 그시간에 별도의 만남의 시간을 갖었다.

선거유세 기간 동안에 서로 불편했던점이 앙금으로 남아 있었던것을, 다시 화해하는 목적도 있었고, 안방마님으로서, Hillary Clinton처럼 정치에 대한 대담 보다는, 조용한 보좌, 패션에 대한 얘기도 있었다고 한다.

지구반대편, 고국의 돌아가는 꼴을보면, 마치 Hyena들이 먹이감을 하나놓고 서로 차지할려고 아군, 적군없이 으르렁 거리는 고함소리가 천지를 진동하는데....
미치광이들의 욕구는, 서구의 잘사는 나라보다 더 심하고, 안보문제는 지구상에서 유일하게 언제 뇌관이 터질지 모르는 최악의,초고의 위험지역인데, 흡혈귀 정치꾼들과 이에 동조하는 세력들은, 안보는 상관없다는듯이 안보불감증으로, 호시탐탐 통채로 먹어치울려고, 핵무기를 장착해 놓고, 기회만 노리는 Beast Regime에 대해서는, 자기네들을 귀여워 해주는 할아버지같은 아군쯤으로 착각하는 곳, 바로 조국이다. 어찌하면 좋단 말인가.  APEC 정상회담에는 총리가 참석했다는 소식이고.... 말이 정상회담이지, 총성없는 무역전쟁터인데....

이만남이 있기까지 두안방마님들은 상면한 일도 없다.  그러나 첫만남의 인상은 너무나 자연스럽고 평화스러워 보였다. 최소한  4년간 이런 평화스런모습으로 국민들께 보여질것이다.
나무위에 올려놓고 흔들지만 말고, 이런 소박한 모습을 정치꾼들은 배웠으면....

So the reconciliation continues. Kind of.
Whatever their feelings about Donald J. Trump winning the presidential election, President Obama and the first lady have been careful to demonstrate that it is time “to now come together, work together, to deal with the many challenges that we face,” as Mr. Obama said when he met the president-elect at the White House on Thursday.
Hillary Clinton began the messaging when she wore a purple-lapel Ralph Lauren pantsuit for her concession speech on Wednesday morning, uniting red and blue in a single shade as she urged the country to unite. And Michelle Obama continued the subliminal signals when she chose a purple Narciso Rodriguez dress with an orange aftershock sunburst curve for her meeting with Melania Trump.
It was a nice bit of color diplomacy.
But it also wasn’t without implicit references to Mr. Obama’s administration and legacy. After all, it was the second time she wore Mr. Rodriguez this week, the first time being for her final speech for Mrs. Clinton in Philadelphia, delivered in a navy coat by the designer.
Mr. Rodriguez is, as it happens, Cuban-American, the son of immigrants and a classic American success story. He is currently the subject of a retrospective at the Frost Art Museum in Miami, chosen in part, the curator told The New York Times, because “It is very important to incorporate the accomplishments of Latin American artists, architects and designers into the canon of history.”
Mr. Rodriguez was also the designer of the black and red dress that Mrs. Obama wore when her husband gave his victory speech in Chicago in 2008.
Something of a contrast was, not surprisingly, provided by Mrs. Trump. For the visit to Washington on Thursday, she wore a streamlined sleeveless black sheath dress, a matching coat and Christian Louboutin heels. Thus far, as was the case throughout the campaign, no brand has issued the traditional news release about Mrs. Trump wearing its designs, most likely because she buys her clothes herself, rather than working through a stylist or brand. (The shoes were recognizable because of the brand’s signature red soles).
Whether that will change when she is in the White House remains to be seen. In the meantime, the fact she wore black instead of her usual white or pastel shades has got some people riled up. (“Melania Trump wore a funereal black dress to the White House,” Yahoo News cried.)
Personally, I think it’s too early to judge whether Mrs. Trump thinks about her clothes in communications terms, so I’m going to hold off on reading too much into the shade. Rather, I’d say she looked polished and professional, and as if she wasn’t trying to call attention to herself, though that is kind of unavoidable.
Indeed, as Mrs. Obama showed over the past eight years — and reiterated on Thursday — a wardrobe can be a powerful platform for a first lady, making points without her having to say a word. Given Mrs. Trump’s reported antipathy for public performance, it might serve her very well as she assumes her new role.

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