Wednesday, April 27, 2016

교통표지판데로 운전 또는 따라해서는 안될 17개의 엉터리길 표지판들

Traffic을 담당하는 행정당국이 이러한 표지판을 설치한 그깊은 내용은 알수 없다.
간단한 설명과 그림만을 객관적으로 봤을때는, 어이가 없고, 피식웃음이 나올법도 하다.
담당자의 입장에서 표지판을 다시한번 사고해 본다면, 그진의가 있을법도 하지만.....

현재 우리가 살고 있는 지구촌은, 깊은 의미를 되새겨 볼려는 의도보다는 흥미위주의 Pattern으로 흘러가는, 그것도 강한 바람을 타고, 유랑천리길이기에 희비가 엇갈리는것으로 이해된다.

내가 살고 있는곳에서만이 아니고 지구촌(남극촌을 제외하고)에서 우스꽝 스러운 많은 사람들이 있다는것을 발견하면서 어쩌면 '이럴수가!' 라고 놀랄일들과 직면하게 될것이다.  이러한 엉터리같은 일들이 정부내에서도 흔히 볼수 있다는게 더 놀랄일이기도 하다.  정부내에 이런 엉터리 친구들이 있다는것을 사람들은 어떻게 생각하게될까라는 점에 대해서도 유추할수 있다.  상식적으로는 도저히 해서는, 일어나서는 안될일들이기에 말이다.

그러나 현실은 어디에서나 흔히 볼수 있다는것이다.  그내용이 때로는 매우 심각하다는데 걱정아닌 걱정이 있다. 다행인것은 국가살림을 맡아하는 사람들은 그안에 없다는점이아니고, 세계각처의 도로에 세워진 엉청한 표지판이라는 점이다.

아래에 보여주는 상식적으로는 생각할수없는 길표지판들이 세워져 있고, 이를 운전자들이 따라 운전해주기를 바란다는 것이다.

그래서 세상은 요지경속이라고,  다시한번 생각해보고, 운전에 차질이 없도록 해야 할것이다.

1. Keep Right

The worst part about this guy is that there’s a fence. I mean, I’ve heard of speed traps, but tow truck traps? I imagine the closest town is just an ambulance chaser and a shady mechanic carving out their own little share of the American Dream.

2. Not In Use

Quick, look away! In this small town in the United Kingdom, you might get hit with a fine if you’re using government property that’s not currently meant to be used. It’s hard to determine if this is a friendly warning or a calculated trap, though …

3. Simon Says

Here are some people who really take their safety seriously. For all the times you’ve carelessly blown through a stop sign without a second thought, this sign really means stop. After all, Simon said to stop and any grade schooler knows that dude means business.

4. Emergency

This one is just mean. Imagine your car breaking down along this forgotten back road. You begin walking through the baking sun only to come across this total dick move. Emergency phone to be found in way too far away. You’re done for. Sorry!

5. Wet Road

There might be a good reason for this legislative misfire, but I can’t find it. Can you imagine water hitting a road during a rainstorm? Why, it’s simply unthinkable! I’m not sure who runs this little travesty of a government, but someone needs to look into it.

6. The Narrow Road

You know, this is what happens when you allow liberalism to run amok. Imagine trying to squeeze our poor cars into the thin aisle while those jerk face cyclists are allowed to truly own the road. We should do things like they do in the South, where the only place bicycles are allowed is in Walmart toy aisles.

7. Leash Your Pets

Please leash the pets that are not allowed around here in the first place. It just makes you wonder which rule trumps which one, here. Is an unleashed pet a fine? Or is the fine issued purely because the pet is there … it’s a head scratcher.

8. People Crossing

You know, I think it’s about darn time that something like this was put into place. After so many years of people being forced to keep an eye out for those dumb, ungrateful deer, it’s about time that they were forced to show a little consideration for us. I hope this is a trend that continues.

9. I Want To Go To There

I don’t know where this sign is. I don’t know what magical place has to warn its citizens to watch for giant prehistoric creatures, but I definitely want to go to that place. All of that place. Hmmmmm … judging by the balconies in the back, it looks European.

10. The Traffic Breather

This looks like Chris Christie’s handy work. Either that, or there’s someone in the traffic department who desperately needs to learn the meaning of either “ease” or “congestion.” Or maybe “lane.” Either way, there’s a definite deficiency in that person’s vocabulary.

11. Watch Your Heels

At first, it’s tempting to look at this and think it’s the world’s most conscientious sign. How thoughtful of the government to finally take into account the fashionable lady who’s out on the town. Of course, if you’re walking down a cobblestone street in high heels and you’re not being careful, maybe you’re asking for an accident.

12. In Case of Mountain Lion

This sign is just filled with all kinds of bad advice. It starts out strong, by suggesting that people back away from the large predator. Then, it demands the impossible, by suggesting I try to be something I’m not (large). That’s just mean! Also, the suggestion that I fight the huge cat is also unacceptable. Perhaps the only bit of good advice here is the suggestion that you use available children as a shield.

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